I recently talked about desert hiking gear with Lauren Toner on the Trail Talk Highpointing podcast. We both love hiking in the Southwest, and episode 69 of the podcast was all about my hiking and highpointing adventures throughout the Grand Canyon State.
One of the many things we discussed during this episode was how Arizona is a whole different highpointing and hiking beast. The ascents are often steeper and rockier. The flora is far more unforgiving when you bump (or fall) into it. The wildlife is even sometimes more dangerous. I change how I typically hike whenever I enter the desert environment.
Because of that conversation, I recently compiled a short list of essential gear that I highly recommend for everyone considering hiking in Arizona. As always, none of these links to gear are affiliate links. It’s just some advice from someone who wants you to succeed. Enjoy!
This recommendation might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how often I pass by a badly sunburned hiker who failed to heed this obvious advice. No matter what time of day you’re hiking in Arizona, a hat and strong sunscreen (SPF 50 or higher) is highly recommended. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, and Arizona’s constant sunshine and UV rays make it a riskier environment than most places. To protect yourself, choose a hat with a wide brim – and consider one with a brim that goes all the way around. Also, reapply sunscreen on your face, neck, and ears every two hours for optimal results.

Many of Arizona’s peaks have two things in common: (1) they are very prominent; and (2) they are quite rocky. Anyone who’s hiked on a steep trail with lots of scree or rocks will confirm this combination is a perfect recipe for injury. Nobody wants to limp back to the car or take an unnecessary trip to urgent care at the end of a hike. A set of trekking poles gives you extra stability and is the best protection against falling or turning an ankle on Arizona’s rugged terrain.

#3 – A COMB
Adding a small comb to your first-aid kit seems like an unusual recommendation. However, a comb is super handy for removing any cholla you might pick up on your hike. Teddy Bear cholla is a beautiful part of the Arizona desert. However, these little beasts can “attack” you when you walk too close or when it’s windy out. Pulling those spiny balls out of your clothes with bare hands is a bad idea. But placing a comb between the cactus and your skin will help give you the leverage to remove these “jumping” cactus spines without greater injury.

#4 – GAITERS (long or short)
All the sand and scree on Arizona’s trails can be a nuisance when it finds its way into your shoes. Nobody wants to stop hiking to empty debris out of their shoes repeatedly. Wearing a pair of gaiters creates a barrier over your shoes’ openings to keep that pesky rubble out. I prefer small lightweight gaiters (like THESE ONES) for the well-maintained trails and high points. However, I’ve also worn my taller mountaineering gaiters (seen HERE) on more remote trails, where there’s lots of unmanicured prickly things to work my way around.

Many of Arizona’s peaks are rocky and exposed, leaving hikers with few shade options or protection from the sun. One piece of gear that makes a real difference under these intense conditions is a sun hoody. These lightweight, wicking shirts protect hikers from sunburned arms, necks, and ears – which can make a world of difference on an open trail. I’ve worn many brands, but some of my favorites include the REI Sahara sun hoody, Mountain Hardware Crater Lake sun hoody, and Jolly Gear Triple Crown long-sleeve button down.

Hikers’ hands and wrists get a ton more sun exposure when you use trekking poles. Yet, I rarely remember to put sunscreen on the back of my hands. If your sun hoody has longer sleeves with thumbholes, that might provide ample protection in the desert. However, a pair of lightweight sun gloves is another great way to cover up and protect your hands from potential sunburn. You can find this item in many outdoor retail stores and fishing stores, and I always opt for gloves with reinforced palms for extra durability.

When I hiked across the Grand Canyon in May 2017, I never realized how much I was sweating because my hiking shirt was completely dry. Arizona’s arid environment was literally evaporating the sweat off my skin as quickly as it emerged. This phenomenon can lead hikers down the road to dehydration because they don’t have the typical signals indicating how much water they are losing during a hike. I now carry double my normal water needs when hiking in Arizona. I also set my watch for a drink break every hour (whether I think I need it or not). And I always make sure to carry an electrolyte mix to replenish the salts I’m rapidly losing while hiking in the desert.

Knowing where you are is a wonderful thing. It’s especially important when hiking Arizona’s desert or while in remote locations without cell service. Humans can live for weeks without food. But you can only survive hours or days without water. Therefore, I always make sure to mark my intended route using a GPS app on my phone, so I always have that resource to navigate back to my starting point. Several backcountry navigation apps are available for this purpose, including Gaia GPS, CalTopo, and OnX Backcountry, and The Trek recently published a helpful comparison guide (found HERE).

Final Thoughts
Arizona’s landscape holds some of the prettiest trails I’ve encountered, but the desert can be extreme and unforgiving if you aren’t prepared.
Highpointers and hikers should consider adding these nine essentials to their packing lists whenever venturing into the Arizona desert. After all, you wouldn’t head out to climb a glaciated peak without crampons, a parka, or ice axe, would you? This same logic holds true for this austere terrain.
Stay safe folks! And enjoy everything the Grand Canyon State has to offer.
If you’d like to watch the YouTube episode where Lauren and I discuss the Arizona CoHPs and our hiking experiences in the desert Southwest, click the YouTube button at the end of this post. (Note: Please forgive a few audio glitches during the video. I was recording in Tucson, and the room’s terracotta tile didn’t help the audio quality.)