August 1, 2024

  • Start:  Rock Creek (Colorado Trail Mile 161.3)
  • End: Willis Gulch (CW Mile 4.2)
  • Miles hiked: 17.6
  • Weather: A cold morning, followed by a hot afternoon and a few evening sprinkles
  • Elevation:  11,298′ (high point); 9,880′ (low point)

Sunrise in the Mt. Massive Wilderness
North Willow Creek
Leaving the Mt. Massive Wilderness Area
Mt. Elbert – Colorado’s highest mountain
Memories of heading up to Mt. Elbert’s summit (which I willingly bypassed today)
My first good views of Twin Lakes to the south
Heading down the Twin Lakes Trail
Looking out toward the Collegiate Peaks – where I’m heading tomorrow
Twin Lakes (population: 348)
Stopping to pick up my resupply box at Twin Lakes General Store
Relaxing for a few hours with my trail family in Twin Lakes before we head into the Collegiates
Taking the “shortcut” across the west side of Twin Lakes (where mosquitoes would simply devour my legs)
Finding the shallowest place to ford the outlet toward the Collegiate West trail
Me and Puff Puff pitched right on top of each other in this “cozy” semi-level spot in Willis Gulch