August 2, 2024

  • Start:  Willis Gulch (CW Mile 4.2)
  • End: Lake Ann (CW Mile 18.4)
  • Miles hiked: 14.2
  • Weather: A cold morning, that alternated between cold and sunny in the afternoon
  • Elevation:  12,532′ (high point); 10,105′ (low point)

Good morning!
Heading up toward Hope Pass – the first big climb of the Collegiate West route
I was seriously huffing and puffing to get to the top of the pass
After lots of huffing and puffing, we made it!!
Pic of our trail family atop Hope Pass
Heading down, down, down…
This is why people lover the Collegiate West route!
Fantastic views with Lake Ann Pass in the far distance
Stopping to shove food in our faces
Wild, wonderful, wilderness…
Deciding to call it a “short” day to chill at Lake Ann
Lake Ann – elevation 11,805′
Seriously! Look at how clear this alpine lake water is…
Alpenglow on the mountains above us in the evening