August 3, 2024

  • Start:  Lake Ann (CW Mile 18.4)
  • End: Mineral Basin (CW Mile 40)
  • Miles hiked: 21.6
  • Weather: A brisk morning, with the threat of thunderstorms in the afternoon
  • Elevation:  12,765′ (high point); 10,030′ (low point)

Beginning the first climb of the day
Sunrise and some views of Lake Ann – where we slept last night
A little bit of snow to navigate near the top of the pass
Nearly there!
I made it!!!
Heading down through the wildflowers and boulders
More wonderful downhill
Past some awesome folks doing trail maintenance
Into the forest past some grown-up sized Lincoln Logs
Puff Puff doing one of several minor water crossing today
Views for days!
Made it to Cottonwood Pass
Looking at the road switchbacking near Cottonwood Pass
Only three more big climbs until our campsite
Sing Song and I heading downhill on the rocks after one of this afternoon’s climbs
Lovely views, but today was a very physically challenging day