August 4, 2024

  • Start:  Mineral Basin (CW Mile 40)
  • End: Alpine Tunnel Trailhead (CW Mile 56)
  • Miles hiked: 16 (+0.5 miles off trail)
  • Weather: A breezy morning, followed by a brutally hot afternoon
  • Elevation:  12,805′ (high point); 11,0760 (low point)

Sunrise in Mineral Basin
Morning miles under the warm glow of the rising sun
And lots of uphill through rocky terrain
More stupid rocks!
Trying to catch Puff Puff (up ahead) but the rocky trail is still keeping me slow
Lovely views above treeline
I finally catch Puff Puff and Sing Song, only to deal with more rocks!!
Wildflowers that look like elephant heads
Stopping for lunch with my trail family (left) while the “Red Crew” sits nearby
Rejoicing for decent (aka rock-free) trail trail
Following an old railroad bed and learning some history about this notoriously dangerous area
Historical junk near the Alpine Tunnel Trailhead
It’s way too hot to continue hiking, so we spend the afternoon in the shade with the “Red Crew”