August 9, 2024

  • Start:  West Sheep Creek Trail (Mile 292.6)
  • End: Manchego Park (Mile 313.4)
  • Miles hiked: 20.8 miles
  • Weather: Overnight rain, foggy morning, and then overcast and windy
  • Elevation:  11,240′ (high point); 9,409′ (low point)

A foggy start to the morning
Leaving the Rio Grande and heading into the Gunnison Natl Forest
Say hello to “Dude,” a fellow Oregonian hiking the CT for his second time
Passing mile 300 of the Colorado Trail
Just a little bit of road walking on Hwy 114
A history lesson on the Old Spanish Trail (1829-1848)
Prairie dog!
Cruisy hills
More cruisy trail
Dark afternoon clouds and walking on forest roads
Awesome and unexpected trail magic courtesy of Gummi Bear
Cows checking us out as we head down more cruisy forest roads
Giant hoof prints
Looking for somewhere smooth to set up camp before that storm rolls in
Yes it’s flat (and even sunny), but we’d be packing up muddy tents tomorrow morning