August 10, 2024

  • Start:  Manchego Park (Mile 313.4)
  • End: Eddiesville Trailhead (Mile 329)
  • Miles hiked: 15.6 miles
  • Weather: Overnight rain and wind, some morning fog, and a windy evening
  • Elevation:  10,430′ (high point); 9,409′ (low point)

We pack up our muddy tents and return to the forest roads
But check out that sunrise! Reminds me of Wyoming.
The morning turns super foggy as we drop down near the water
We pass a milestone for CDT NOBO hikers
Sing Song and Puff Puff emerging from the fog
The sun finally returns by mid-morning
Everything still wet from last night’s storm
Heading through gentle terrain down toward the river valley
Wading through knee-high grass – where I encountered 2 snakes!
A very distinctive formation marks the river crossing
Puff Puff fording the bridgeless river
Back above the river as it zigzags in the valley below us
Afternoon clouds roll in and threaten us with rain
A pair of fly fishermen in the river below us
Out of the Cochetopa Hills and Into the La Garita Wilderness
Seriously, is this Wyoming?!?
Eddiesville Trailhead, where the Red Crew temporarily sets up their cluster of tents
Sing Song and another hiker decide to climb a rock feature before dinner