July 24, 2024

  • Start: South Platte River (Mile 16.2)
  • End: Buffalo Creek (Mile 35.6)
  • Miles hiked: 19.4
  • Weather: Warm and smoky (from the wildfires in Montana), plus light rain in camp
  • Elevation:  8,050′ (high point); 6,120′ (low point)

The morning on day 2 began with a climb under smoky skies
Plenty of fuzzy-antlered deer on trail
The first water source of the day (10 miles from camp) was an outdoor spigot at the fire station.
Entering the land of giant boulders
Lots of aspens lining the trail today. I feel like I’m in Colorado now.
I tried to drink water at every CT sign to combat my constant headache from the altitude.
Interesting rock formations in the early afternoon
Pterospora (aka woodland pinedrops) growing in the forest
I set up camp near the banks of Buffalo Creek tonight with before some light rain begins