August 12, 2024

  • Start:  Middle Mineral Creek (Mile 345.4)
  • End: Spring Creek Pass / Lake City (Mile 356.1)
  • Miles hiked: 10.7 miles
  • Weather:  Heavy rain and lightening overnight, followed by a windy morning
  • Elevation:  12,772′ (high point); 10,906′ (low point)

Last night’s heavy storm involved 90 minutes of lightening and this!!
Getting an early start because today is a TOWN day!!
My legs are still feeling the fatigue from yesterday’s ascent up San Luis Peak
Up on the saddle, I’m greeted with a “car wash” of wet plant lining the trail
The views from atop Snow Mesa – the largest tundra in the lower 48
More great views as we traverse the mesa
Following Sing Song toward an alpine lake on the mesa
Alpine lake
It’s flat hiking, but was rocky and windy at times
Beginning the rocky descent toward the trailhead
Crossing paths with riders as they head up toward Snow Mesa
A cairn taller than me marks the way
Getting a hitch into Lake City in the back of a pick-up
We arrive a day late for the weekly potluck dinner at Lake City’s Hiker Center
All clean, wearing loaner clothes, and enjoying town food!
Squindy (Squirrel and Indy) tackle a giant ice cream sundae.
Wildlife at the River Fork RV Park – which was. THE most hiker-friendly place on the trail!