August 13, 2024

  • Start:  Spring Creek Pass / Lake City (Mile 356.1)
  • End: Lost Trail Creek (Mile 375)
  • Miles hiked: 18.9 miles
  • Weather:  Rain and hail in the afternoon
  • Elevation:  13,259′ (high point); 10,906′ (low point)

Riding back to the trail with Blaze and Sing Song after a quick stop at Lake City Bakery
A big thank you to Casey, who’s already given more than 100 CT hikers a lift this season!!
Puddles from last night’s heavy rain
Great views of Red Mountain
Cell towers, but (amazingly) no cell service
Dark clouds signaling what’s soon to come
The rain and hail start as soon as I sit down to eat some lunch
Climbing steep switchbacks in the cold rain
Views of Red Mountain and Lake San Cristobal to the north
Once at the top, the rain stops and the wind begins
Wet wildflowers dot the landscape
We make it to the trail’s highest point (L to R: Puff Puff, me, Sing Song, Squirrel & Indy)
After the high point, it’s time to race down some serious switchbacks before the rain returns
Views of the trail below us
The remains of an old log cabin
But we don’t beat the rain
And then the hail begins to pelt us…
So we race into the valley and set up camp in a semi-flat spot amid some bushes
After a 90-minute torrential downpour spent huddled in our tents, the skies clear to reveal these views