August 16, 2024

  • Start:   Little Molas Lake (Mile 410.6)
  • End: Barlow Creek (Mile 431.9)
  • Miles hiked:  21.3 miles
  • Weather:  Sunny, but super windy at times
  • Elevation:  12,488′ (high point); 10,824′ (low point)

Feeling the warm sun on my back
Early morning views as we head south from Little Molas Lake
All smiles!
The terrain above me changes from green trees to vermillion
A few alpine lakes remain ahead
And snow still clings to the north side of some of the San Juans
It definitely feels like I’m getting closer to the Four Corners area of the US
More great views of the changing terrain
Stopping to take in a 60-foot waterfall
Passing a plaque commemorating a woman with vision
Milky-looking water in one of the streams
One of the many trail runners taking part in today’s 100M ultramarathon – the San Juan Softie
Between the ultramarathon and a few mountain bike groups, Celebration Lake was WAY too crowded for our liking, so we continued a few miles further uphill before ending the day.