August 17, 2024

  • Start:   Barlow Creek (Mile 431.9)
  • End: Scenic Overlook (Mile 453.4) +0.2 off-trail
  • Miles hiked:  21.7 miles
  • Weather:  Sunny and overcast, but also very humid
  • Elevation:  11, 983′ (high point); 10,374′ (low point)

Wildflowers and mountains
The legs are going to get a major workout today
Views of Chimney Rock from Blackhawk Pass
The path not taken
A super fat marmot on trail
Hiking with Squirrel
Lots of yellow wildflowers
Ridgewalking through the forest
Saying goodbye to the San Juans
Heading 0.2 miles off-trail to camp at a Scenic Overlook
Views of rain in the distance