August 19, 2024

  • Start:  Junction Creek Trail (Mile 473.4)
  • End: Southern Terminus (Mile 483)
  • Miles hiked:  9.6 miles
  • Weather:  Early morning rain, followed by lots of sunshine
  • Elevation:  9,416′ (high point); 6,518′ (low point)

Starting my final day on the CT just before daybreak
Less than 10 miles to go as I take in one final sunrise
I can’t believe this thru-hike is almost over!
Stopping to take in the views
Named after Gudy Gaskill – mother of the Colorado Trail
Hiking the final 3 miles with my trail family
And then the “blue crew” makes it to the southern terminus
Woohoo!! The end of this 483-mile journey
Waiting in the shade for our ride into Durango
Northern terminus & southern terminus (exactly 4 weeks apart)