July 25, 2024

  • Start: Buffalo Creek (Mile 35.6)
  • End: Saddle by a gate (Mile 54.2)
  • Miles hiked: 18.6
  • Weather: Sunny morning followed by afternoon rainstorms
  • Elevation:  10,918′ (high point); 7,350′ (low point)

Sunrise as I begin another early day on trail
It’s always a bit unsettling hearing gunshots when you’re out hiking – so I was grateful for this sign
Enjoying every bit of shade on this warm July day
Stopping to fill out a permit at the Lost Creek Wilderness area
At the top of this 11-mile climb I felt like I was on the AT’s green tunnel – nothing but a steep trail, zero views, and way too many mosquitoes!
After several boggy areas, I finally made it to something more scenic – Lost Creek
Lunchtime and a cold soak in the creek for my tired feet
Hello there, my friend!
After lunch though, the clouds moved in and skies hinted at trouble
Soon I was tucked under a giant tree for 40 minutes waiting out a heavy afternoon rainstorm
Following the trail (and recent tracks) in the fresh mud
Camp for the night was a nice flat area near 11,000′ elevation. This would be my highest camp on the CT yet and my first night sleeping without any other hikers around me.