July 26, 2024

  • Start: Saddle by a gate (Mile 54.2)
  • End: Guernsey Creek (Mile 73.7)
  • Miles hiked: 19.5
  • Weather: Warm day followed by afternoon rainstorms and a wild lightning storm
  • Elevation:  10,918′ (high point); 9,523′ (low point)

Sunrise from my campsite at 11,000
Peering through some tall rock formations at the valley below me
Below the rocky bluffs and out of the Lost Creek Wilderness
Gunnison’s Mariposa Lily
Amazing purple pine cone buds
Clusters of rust-colored baby pinecones
Views of the tiny town of Jefferson, CO down below on Hwy 285
Through the aspens on my way down to Kenosha Pass
Towering aspens
A little surprise near the Kenosha Pass campground. Trail magic on Day 4!!!
Thank you to Muffet and Johnny Walker – two fellow hikers doing trail magic in the campground. They hiked the AT in 2019 (like me!) and would be starting the CT in early August.
Stormy skies and heavy rain in the distance foreshadow what’s to come. Tonight I’d get several hours of rain near Guernsey Creek, plus a 1.5-hour lightning storm.