July 30, 2024

  • Start:  Guller Creek (Mile 123.6)
  • End: Tennessee Pass / Leadville (Mile 123.6)
  • Miles hiked: 18.2
  • Weather: A mild morning, followed by a hot, cloudless afternoon
  • Elevation:  12,281′ (high point); 9,326′ (low point)

Looking back toward Jane’s Cabin and Guller Creek
Climb up to the first pass of the day
Some massive mushrooms
There’s always more cairns…
Cresting Kokomo Pass
Lots of purple, white, and yellow wildflowers today
And a nice little waterfall
Peaks above Camp Hale (a former Army post)
Line of bunkers constructed in 1942 to train soldiers heading to Europe in WWII
This section of the trail is maintained by former members of the FBI & NASA
A warm afternoon under the cloudless blue sky
Crossing some railroad tracks on the way to Tennessee Pass
Hitting the trailhead where a fellow hiker was doing trail magic with her dog (Party Pooper)
Delicious pizza for dinner tonight
Me and my trail family running wild on the streets of Leadville, CO