Trail Journals
2024 Trail Journals
2023 Trail Journals
2022 Trail Journals
2021 Trail Journals
2020 Trail Journals
2016-2019 Trail Journals
Some people record their hiking memories with photos. Others choose to create videos and post them to YouTube. I prefer to write about my days in a journal. I’m old school like that – always taking notes about the interesting things I saw, the locations where I traveled, and the other people I met along the way.
I journal because I like having this tangible record of my adventures. And then, when I return home, I post my trail journals and photos for others to read and look at because I know what it’s like to wonder about a trail or the allure of an adventure.
Sometimes it takes me weeks (ok…months) to get my most current trail journal posted. Life in the real world gets busy. But, eventually I get them all up here. So, if you’re interested about what it’s like to hike one of these trails, feel free to be nosy and dig into what the experience was like for me on a given year.
I don’t promise that my journals will always be interesting. And you’re certain to find more than a few typos, because I’d rather just get them online than spend extra days or weeks proofreading and making them exactly right. My journals are like me – perfectly imperfect.