Few things bring people together like spending every waking moment together in a challenging environment. Sharing major hardships and small victories on a journey forges a special bond.

Before you know it, the people you barely knew a few weeks ago have become your trail family or “tramily.”

Choosing one’s tramily is more than merely happenstance though. You can hike around someone for days or weeks and not become anything more than acquaintances.

The people who ultimately become your tramily are the ones who share your values and goals. They belong in that small groups you want beside you during the inevitable ups and downs. They are the friends who make your hike more vibrant, and those people you will tell stories about long after you’re off the trail.

This post is dedicated to the people I consider tramily. If I am the average of the five people I spend the most time with, then I’m pretty damn lucky. Not only did we ALL beat the odds and complete the entire trail, but we did it faster than most. You guys rock!! – AT Class of 2019

Luna (aka Matthew)

Luna & I basking in the sunset on Max Patch
Together even at the end – thanks for hiking so many miles with me!

Trail Magic (aka Audrey)

Trail Magic (the person) with me in the Bigelows. There’s no one else I’d rather listen to bluegrass with.
An early morning summit in the dark to catch the sunrise.

Gazelle (aka Lauren)

Gazelle (far right) with Luna & Freefall
Racing to the summit days ahead of us so she could start school on time! I forgive her though, since someday she’s going to be my future physical therapist.

Gear Boy (aka Patrick)

Gear Boy (far left) with Luna & Trail Magic
At the summit in the dark…and probably still thinking about gear.

Squirrel (aka Christina)

Squirrel and me celebrating 500 miles together
Squirrel (3rd from left) at the summit before returning home to Germany to reunite with her “Tree.”

Fancy Feast (aka Marla)

Fancy Feast with me in Shenandoah on the summer solstice
Celebrating her summit just a few days behind me — before deciding she wasn’t done and wanted to continue on into Canada on the IAT.

Brave Little Toaster (aka Kurt)

Toaster broadcasting his preference for “crappy beer” in Vermont
Toaster (far left) huddled with Moss, Daffodil & Calamity in the rain. Dude you should have waited ONE more day. It was beautiful!

Dr. Daffodil (aka Mat)

Daffodil (far left) with Toaster & Moss in Monson, ME
He couldn’t help it, and had to bring the gloomy weather from his home (Wales, UK) to the summit with him!

Moss (aka Shan)

Moss and me together right before the 100-Mile Wilderness
Posing on the summit like no one else could. I hope our paths cross again soon!

Want to know more about these awesome people?? Read about our exploits in my trail journal.